Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Modern-Day Genocide

Disclaimer: Due to the topic of this post, there are graphic images that may not be appropriate for young children or those who have a light stomach.

What destroys humanity? Guns? Knives? Bombs?

As stated before in this blog, the Coptic Orthodox Church is known as the Church of the Martyrs. Also as stated many times before, the Church has gone through persecution during the reign of Diocletian and the Arab Invasion of Egypt. And I wish I could say it’s is a thing of the past. I wish I could say that every single person of the world, regardless of race, religion, or color followed the Golden Rule. That they would think twice before harming their fellow man. But that is far from the reality the Coptic community faces today.

During the 1970s, religious fever became an epidemic among the Muslims in Egypt. Before that, Christian and Muslims neighbors ignored their religious differences to play together, support each other, and celebrate each other’s holidays. Christians would celebrate the Eid of Ramadan with their Muslim friends and the Muslims would wish their Christian friends a Merry Christmas and Happy Easter. Secular Christians and Muslims alike would snicker at the more religious hijab wearing women and the men wearing the traditional garb. They didn’t follow the fashion of the time nor did they indulge in the kind of joking and fun activities other less religious classmates would partake in. They, the Qur’an-hugging Muslims, were the minority of their own people after all: the “nerds” of the class and outcasts of the workplace.

And then Anwar al-Sadat became president.

Sadat wanted to convert those who were lovers of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the previous president, and followers of Nasserism. So, Sadat met with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and gave him free reign. He wanted to be the new icon of Egyptian celebrity and power. With his blessing and the turn of his back, The Muslim Brotherhood moved through college campuses, preaching to students who were great lovers of Nasser. The religious fever among the Egyptian Muslim community began. More men began wearing the traditional garb. Women began wearing hijabs to cover their hair and some even went to the extreme of wearing nijabs, like the one on the left, to cover their nose, mouth, and jaw. Many women also wore loose fitting dresses in accordance to the Qur’an and to distinguish themselves from the Christians.

With the religious fever also came the rise of persecution for the Christians. Eleven years later, Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric who also had a role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, approved a fatwa for the assassination of Sadat—the same president who stated: “Fear is, I believe, a most effective tool in destroying the soul of an individual—and the soul of a people”—a statement that he put into action every day he was in power. And with his death, rose Hosni Mubarack—Sadat’s vice president and now, the current President of Egypt.

Fast-forward to 1998.

In a small rural town in Upper Egypt called Al-Kosheh, tensions rose between Christians and Muslims. Muslims were seeking revenge for the “poisoning” of a Muslim brother. However, the revenge was done in vain, because the man wasn’t poisoned but actually died of natural causes. Regardless, two Copts were murdered by them. In response to seeking revenge, the corrupted Egyptian police arrested 1,200 Christians for investigation. Metropolitan Bishop Wissa of al-Balyana, along with two of his priests were also arrested after criticizing the wrongful round-up of their fellow Christian brothers and sisters. They were charged with “inciting strife and damaging national unity between Christians and Muslims.” Because, apparently, the revenge seekers and policemen were correct in their actions. After all, Christians are only second class citizens. Go figure.

In October of that same year, two months after the incident, Christina Lamb of London’s Daily Telegraph wrote an article reporting that some of the arrested Christians had undergone mock crucifixions and the Metropolitan bishop faced a possible execution. Now, you have to realize that Egypt is the type of country that will tap your phone, censor the news, and have no problem destroying those who openly disagree with the majority. Can you guess how the Egyptian government took to the international exposure of demeaning us second-class citizens our human rights?

Not very well.

They arrested the head of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) and accused him of leaking the story to the Daily Telegraph. Both the head of EOHR and the Metropolitan were eventually released, along with the government stating they would punish those members of the police force who acted improperly. What really happened, you may ask? Those officers who violated the human rights of Copts were promoted. Yes, promoted.

This incident became known as the First Al-Kosheh Massacre. Naturally, Copts in America pushed for the US Congress to add Egypt among the nations who openly discriminates against Christians.

The Second Al-Kosheh Massacre happened about a year afterwards on New Year’s Eve 1999, stemming from a dispute between a Christian merchant and a Muslim customer. The incident escalated with the relatives of the customer targeting Christian-owned shops and homes: looting, destroying, and burying them. Two days later, riots spread through neighboring cities killing 21 Christians. More than forty additional Christians were injured and 260 businesses, homes, and kiosks were destroyed—all Christian-owned. In addition, one Muslim was accidentally shot in during the riot by a fellow rioter. This sole event went down as one of Egypt’s bloodiest massacre.

You may be asking, where was the police? Where was the law enforcement, well, enforcing the law? It’s simple. They were watching. Some actually participated in the riot… and not for the good of the Christians.

On the first of December, 2000, a criminal court in Egypt’s Sohag governorate release ALL 89 defendants charged in the New Year’s Eve massacre in Al-Kosheh—without bail. It was an unprecedented move for Egypt, especially since they were a month away from receiving their verdict. ALL suspects that were initially arrested in connection to this massacre were acquitted. THE ONLY PERSON CONVICTED IN THE MASSACRE WAS A MUSLIM CHARGED WITH THE ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING OF ANOTHER MUSLIM; he was sentenced to thirteen years in prison.

Can you guess how the Coptic community felt at this moment? I’ll just say outraged would be an understatement .

H.H. Pope Shenouda III openly rejected the ridiculous verdict: “We want to challenge this ruling. We don’t accept it.” Egypt’s Prosecutor General Maher Abdel Wahid appealed the acquittal. Metropolitan Wissa of al-Balyana shared the same sentiments with the Pope stating the ruling is “a shame that defames the reputation of Egypt and an invitation for more violence.”

The Bishop was right.

Six days following the acquittal, the homes of four Christian families of Al-Kosheh were set on fire and completely destroyed. One of the homeowners who reported the incident to the police was tortured and forced to sign a statement prepared by a public prosecutor charging him with perpetrating the whole incident. Subsequently, he was forced to post bail for his own release.

Like I said, Coptic Christians around the world were more than outraged. It soon became known that the government wanted to change the name of the town, and therefore, sweep both incidents under the rug by pretending the city never existed. Great way to defend the underdog, don’t you think?

Immediately, the Diaspora Copts rose up seeking the help of their government to take action against Egypt’s corrupted system and double-standard through peaceful vigils, like the one photographed on the left.

Take a look at this video in which the broadcast discusses the difficulty in building churches in Egypt as well as another way the Coptic Christian community is being persecuted: through human trafficking—also known as forced conversions and marriages.

Recent reports included the abductions of Amira Morgan and Ingy Basta: both abducted in Alexandria, Egypt during the month of July in 2009. Ms. Morgan, photographed on the right, was abducted on the 18th of July on her way back from work. That same morning, her mother received a phone call from a Muslim cleric named Sheikh Mohammed. He told her that Amira was fine and that she would be converting to Islam the next Friday. When she travelled to the mosque in her region, searching for her daughter and Sheikh Mohammed, a man told her there were over fifty clerics by that name. When she started crying, another man approached her and said that she shouldn’t report the abduction. Otherwise, her nine year old son would be slaughtered in front of her. In order to save her son, Morgan’s mother fled the region to an unknown location. On the 22nd of July, Ingy Basta, photographed on the left, was abducted in the Nozha Airport area when she went to repair her cell phone. Ms. Basta was supposed to be engaged to a Coptic man on the 26th. Although her father reported the abduction the next day, she has yet to be found.

It isn’t surprising of the double-standard upheld by the Egyptian government. As you can see, these women have been wronged and you don’t hear about Christians rioting down the street knocking down everything and everyone in their path. However, during the month of October several riots took place in Dairout, Egypt due to an alleged sexual relationship between a Muslim girl, Hagger Hassouna, and a Christian man, Romany Farouk Attallah. Rumors of intimate photos of them together sent by Attallah to various cell phones led the Hassona family to kill Attallah’s father on Sunday, October 19, 2009 in the village market of Attaleen. After they shot him with over 140 bullets and wounded two of his relatives, his body was dragged in the streets while there were shouts of victory and hits directed at the dead body.

The second round of violence began on Saturday October 24, 2009 when a rumor circulated that Attallah would appear in court after being arrested and transferred from Alexandria was just a rumor. In addition, they also heard the prosecution extended the detention of the Muslim killers of Attallah’s father. Hundreds of Muslims, mostly from Al-Azhar Institute in Dairout, went rampaging all over the town, but specifically in areas where Coptic businesses and pharmacies were located. They looted and demolished everything in sight. According to activist Wagih Yacoub, of the Middle East Christian Assosication (MECA), the Church of the Virgin and Abu Seifein as well as the Church of the Virgin were attacked via throwing stones and setting the windows on fire.

And of course, we can’t forget our vulnerable Coptic girls. They were subjected to Muslims trying to tear their clothes off as they went to school. Overall, they were subjected to sexual harassment, obscene insults, and recipients of hurled stones in an attempt to avenge the “shame” brought on by Attallah towards the Muslim girl.

And, yet again, the police was nowhere to be found until FIVE HOURS after the initial call.

Those who were interviewed agreed that the couple should be penalized rather than the entire village for their illicit affair. After all, the girl was equally a willing participant as the man.

Attorney Dr. Naguib Gobrail, President of the Egyptian Union Organization for Human Rights, wrote to President Mubarak asking him to intervene. He also blamed the government for neglecting to take the proper actions in regards to both Al-Kosheh Massacres: “Had you condemned those who defamed the Christian religion and those who spread the culture of violence and fanaticism, then no sectarian violence against Copts would have taken place in Dairut, Menoufia (where a Copt was beheaded like the one on the left) or Abu Fana, where monks were tortured in 2008.” He reminded Mubarak that Copts are also Egyptian citizens.

Where’s Martin Luther King Jr. when you need him? All he would have to do is make little revisions here and there in his infamous speech. Maybe something like, “I have a dream that one day these Coptic daughters will live in a nation where they will not be judge by the cross on their skin but by the content of their character.” Or how about, “This swelter summer of the Copt’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.”

You may think that all these attacks only happen in Egypt or only happen in third-world Middle Eastern countries. After all, websites like,,, and the newspaper The Voice of the Immigrant educate others about the persecution and condemnation Coptic Christians endure—something that local Egyptian news are adamantly ignoring during their daily broadcasts.

But it has recently expanded.

Coptic Americans were shocked when they perused the newspapers in early 2005 to find a Coptic man, Hossam Armanious, and his family slain and mutilated because he was… well, Coptic. The family was outspoken critics of Islam. The father especially, would go on websites and chat rooms via debating theology with Muslims. Armanious received many death threats due to his debating. According to one family friend, one threat stated: “You’d better stop this bull, or we are going to track you down like a chicken and kill you.” But Armanious didn’t stop because after all, he wasn’t in Egypt anymore. He was in the land of the free—Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion was grated to him and anyone who wanted to disrupt his right to practice them would be prosecuted. Right? Well, Carrie Devorah states: “Hossam wrongly interpreted America’s Freedom of Religion guaranteed his Freedom of Expression and offline anonymity.”

On January 14, 2005, Armanious (47), his wife Amal Garas (36), and their daughters, Monica (8) and Sylvia (15), all photographed on the left, were found murdered in their New Jersey home. The family was bound and tortured before the murders slit their throats. Sylvia was especially brutalized with her face beaten beyond recognition and repeatedly stabbed in the chest and wrist where she bore her cross tattoo. The later is a common torture mechanism when afflicting those who bear the sign of their faith: either with stabbing them in the wrist or slicing that section of skin so that there is a gap where the cross used to be. Oh, by the way, that Saturday would have been Sylvia’s sixteenth birthday.

So what happened? Was justice sought out? Well, here's where it gets interesting... and a little confusing, so bare with me. According to and, they state that the newspapers were wrong… that the motive was robbery, not religious hatred, pointing the finger to an upstairs neighbor, Edward McDonald, and alleged accomplice, Hamiliton Sanchez, who both pleaded not-guilty to the crimes. It’s an interesting conclusion, since at the time, it was believed that all their gold and valuables were left untouched.

In the process of researching the slaying of the Armanious family, I came across Daniel Pipes blog which posted a summary of the prosecution's case based on the Jersey Journal account. In short, on March 3, 2005, McDonald gave a videotaped confession admitting he and Sanchez held the three woman at gunpoint, masked, and ready to burgarlized the home. According to McDonald, they bound and blindfolded the women. While they ransacked the house, Armanious arrived. He gave them the ATM card and PIN number without resistance. (This would later be the reason authorities believed they were the cause of the murders, finding almost $3,000 withdrawn from Armanious' bank account after the day of the murders). He was also bound and blindfolded. McDonald added that Monica "pulled the thing off--she seen all of us." After mumble a few things inaudibly, he added, "everybody had to die." He then confessed to "stabbing" Monica, while Sanchez killed the other three. In total, his jury convicted him on 29 counts of felony murder, burglary, robbery and weapons possession. According to Michaelangelo Conte of the Jersey Journal: "After the jury was dismissed, one member of the panel said some jurors believed the confession and others did not. That's why there wasn't a guilty verdict on the murder charge to Monica."

Isn't that interesting? The one murder he admits to doesn't get a gulity verdict and the man who McDonald confesses to carrying out the other three murders walks away utterly free. According to Daniel Pipes, defense attorney Paul Feinberg "kept arguing throughout the trial, because McDonald's confession came under dubious circumstances and not a single piece of forensic evidence ties him or Sanchez to the crime." If no one believed it, why wasn't it thrown out? And if it was true, why did he stab Monica? Even if she did see something, she would have seen a tall figure wearing a mask. Besides, he said he threatened the family wearing a mask at gunpoint; why didn't he shoot her?

However, on March 20, 2008, a jury found McDonald, photographed on the right, guilty of felony murder in the slaying of the Armanious family. According to reporter Jason Fink, "The felony murder convictions mean the jury held him responsible for the deaths because they occurred during the commission of a felony (the burglary)" not because he killed him with his own hands. But it just doesn’t make any sense. Bishop David, spiritual leader for most North American Copts states: “It’s very difficult to believe that four people were killed just to steal a card to take some money out of an ATM machine. A lot of things need to be explained in more detail.”

It isn’t the most unheard of thing for people to loot the dead. I suspect he found the family slaughtered, and instead of reporting the crime, he grabbed the ATM card and ran. Also, since his was on parole for drug-dealing, I wouldn’t put it passed him to not report the incident, fearing that he would be accused of the murders. Then again, his background makes him the perfect scapegoat for those who desire to deflate the situation between Muslim- and Coptic-Americans, as well as avoiding any offense against the Muslim community.

But let’s pay devil’s advocate, shall we? Let’s say he did murder all four members of the family just to steal an ATM card. Why would he create such a blood bath? Why torture them? But most importantly, why go through the extra mile of carving out Sylvia's cross tattoo? What does her tattoo have to do with his mission of robbery? After all, most Americans don’t know the significance about the cross tattoo to Copts. Most Americans don’t know much about Copts in general. But fellow Middle Easterners do.

Regardless, on June 30 of the same year, Supreme Court Judge Kevin Callahan sentence McDonald to four 75-year terms to be served consecutively. That’s a pretty hefty sentence to give a man convicted of crime with so many holes in it. Lucky for Sanchez, all charges were dropped on his account.

Why am I writing about something that’s so depressing, you may ask? What does this have to do with Coptic identity or the complexities of the threshold? It’s simple, really. This is something that is happening to our brothers and sisters as we speak. Visit one of the websites regarding persecution listed above and I assure you they will have something new to report weekly, if not daily. The fact of the matter is that it was pure luck that we, the Diaspora Copts, aren’t facing the situation that they are; whether because your family’s name was picked out of the lottery to emigrate out of Egypt or you found out some glitch in the system to escape the country and never look back.

Let me ask you again: what destroys humanity?

It’s hate. Blind, ignorant hate. Hate is like a weed: once implanted, it’s hard to uproot and it destroys everything around it. So how can we protect others from hate? Call me an optimist, but I believe the answer is love. Now hear me out. The love I’m talking about isn’t stationary. It’s active. The love I’m talking about spreads like pollen in a field. It grows and blossoms. Out of love for our people, country, and livelihood, I implore you to identify with these victims imprisoned in these situations, like this girl with the burnt face. What would you want others to do when they hear your story? Would you want them to turn their backs and pretend you never existed? Or would you want them to be active in the struggle and strife to gain your human rights? So out of love, write to your congressmen and to the President asking them to defend the defenseless. Attend the peaceful vigils announcing to your government that you have not forgotten those victims. That you will speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. After all, love is what keeps humanity alive.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Out of Egypt: Documentary Clip

I have run into another little gem... this time on YouTube, God bless it. Finally, someone has taken on the plight to create a documentary on the Coptic Church and it's people. In this clip, the narrator breaks down the basics of what Coptic Orthodoxy is (what the word "Coptic" means, what the word "Orthodox" means, fasting, etc). But he also discusses the fellowship between the members... which I believe is done better through a video than anything I could write you about here.

Big shout out to Abouna (Fr.) Michael Sorial from Queens, NY, and His Grace Bishop Angaelos from the United Kingdom. Both of these men make an appearance in this clip and are just a blessing to sit down with and gain knowledge from them. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Calling All Coptic Youths

Hey Everyone,

I'm doing an essay on the different views and practices on dating in the American society, Egyptian society, and us in-betweeners who are Coptic/Egyptian, but raised in American and I need your help. If you are a Copt and in high school or you're in your first year in college, please click on this link and fill out a ten question survey:

It won't take long and I promise you it will be an enlightening experience to evaluate yourself. Thank you for your time and I look forward to reading what you have to say.

God bless,

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Deception's Secret Surprise

I ran into a little gem while I went through my parents' modest DVD collection. Among Arabic films and saint stories, I came across a film called Deception starring Andie MacDowell, Liam Neeson, and Viggo Mortenson. This film is the U.S. edited version of Ruby Cairo (movie poster on the left)— leaving out 20 minutes of the original film, including an explicit love scene between MacDowell and Mortenson, on the cutting room floor.

The plot centers on the recently widowed Bessie Faro (MacDowell) on a mission to systematically collect her husband‘s (Mortenson) secret stash of money in bank accounts all around the world. However, when she reaches Berlin, she finds that someone else has recently withdrawn and closed some of the accounts. With the help of Dr. Fergus Lamb (Neeson, who is also photographed alongside MacDowell in the movie poster on the right), spokesman for "Feed the World," she finds herself in the middle of Cairo to find some answers. What she eventually finds out is her husband isn’t dead at all, but alive and in the middle of a massive scandal.

It’s not the greatest film to grace the silver screen, but what I found interesting happens about an hour in—chapter 10 of the DVD entitled, “What’s Your Secret?” The setting: A liturgy in “The Hanging Church”—a Coptic Orthodox Church in Old Cairo, Egypt. In the background, the priest is swinging the shuriya and a deacon with the Bible and a cross making their circuits around the altar. We’re watching the couple as they are attending the liturgy. Prior to this scene, MacDowell’s character visits Neeson’s asking rather evasively, “What’s your secret? Do you say your prayers?”

Neeson takes her to the church and responds to her question during the liturgy by saying: “Most of these people have been here all night. They pray until they drop. You wonder where they get the strength to carry on, but when you’ve been here long enough, you soon see where it comes from. They’re all taking care of someone poorer than themselves. There’s real charity here. These people know about things the rest of the world has forgotten. They know how to pray and they know how to look after each other. That’s why they smile so much.” He goes on to describe how he used to be a hot-shot oil tycoon in the Gulf with a million dollar house and fancy cars. He became a drunk—“drinking a bottle of brandy a day.” Towards the end of his litany and the lowest point of his existence, he turns to her and says, “Well, these people saved my life.”

Who would have thought the Coptic people would be his big secret? Now, if we could only make an appearance in a box office hit, we may have something here.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I’m driving my mom around, running errands when she utters a curve ball at me—again.

Bismasaleeb,” she says.

“Momma, if you say that one more time, I swear I’ll pull over,” I tell her.

“Why? What is your problem, child?”

“You’re insulting my driving!”

“All I said was bismasaleeb. That has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes. It. Does. Mom. You’re basically saying my driving is so bad, only divine intervention could save us from it.”

Let me back up. The word “bismasaleeb” in Arabic literally means “in the name of the cross” (bisma = "in the name of" and saleeb = "the cross"). But when someone says it, whether it’s during a calamity or tranquility, they’re actually asking for the intervention of “the cross.” Copts don’t worship the cross itself, but it is a major symbol within the Church: it is where God sent His only begotten Son to receive the punishment for our wrongdoing, Christians and non-Christians alike… because we are all His children. It is where justice and mercy meet: justice for the payment of our sins and mercy because God has paid the debt, not us. That is why we wear a cross or crucifix pendant around our necks; why we tattoo it to our wrists. It is a constant reminder that our God is a just, but loving and merciful God.

However, the generation gap between those Copts born and raised in Egypt and those second-generation immigrant Copts raised elsewhere tend to call out differently when shock and fright arises. The older generation and those still in Egypt shout out “bismasaleeb!” with all their might, while most Diaspora Copts revert to the generic “Oh my God!” or “Jesus Christ!” Does that mean we will gain less comfort or divine intervention because we couldn’t come up with something more… creative? Or something more true to the Coptic heritage?

I don’t know.

My uncle, who was almost accidently assassinated by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, cannot walk into the room—let alone a building, car, or plane—without making the sign of the cross on the threshold and whisper, “bismasaleeb.” I have yet to figure out if he started this habit because of the assassination attempt that should have been on his brother’s head and not his, or if he’s always done that.

I, on the other hand, have gotten used to English being my more fluent of the two languages. So when my car lost control over three years ago on a major highway, my shock forced me to stay silent as I tried in vain to stop my swerving car. That is, until my car decided to head straight for a concrete median that separated an exit from the rest of the highway. Eyes wide as saucers, I couldn’t help but shout out: “Oh God, oh God, oh God!” And suddenly, my car that had been going an easy 70-75 mph stopped a few feet away from the median with the ease of a car going 5 mph, while smoke bellowed out of the hood. When the shock wore off, I grabbed my leather cross hanging from my rearview mirror, kissed it, thanked God, and leaned my head back, trying to remember how to breathe.

That’s what I’m thinking about as my mom defends herself and her not-so-random use of bismasaleeb. That’s what I’m thinking about when she tells me that I shouldn’t be insulted by the phrase, but embrace it because it is what protects me from the chaos of the world. That’s what I’m thinking about when she tells me that I should start using it myself.

Little does she know that my own, generic English phrase has saved me from myself and my stupid mistakes on several occasions. I guess it couldn't hurt to use that infamous phrase, bismasaleeb, when the setting is right. After all, it all leads back to the same One who took up our cross. It's just a different avenue of calling upon Him.